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Tom Ollendorff : Etudes : Faber Music

8 contemporary Etudes for all guitarists intermediate to advanced

Faber Music: 32 pages

British Guitarist Ollendorff crosses many musical borders, and plays electric, acoustic and classical, touching upon jazz and other forms as well as classical.

Here he has got together 8 very imaginative Etudes in stave and tab format which really do cross many musical boundaries in that, just like Etudes should, they are like nothing you will have tried before. This is not that they are atonal or anything supremely modern, far from it, but chord formats, and hand positions and general musicality is utterly original, and will task the majority of players.

He has gone out of his way to put in many helpful ideas, and additional exercises that help to show the purchaser exactly how to approach each one of them. Having said that however it is obvious that Ollendorff is at times catering more for the acoustic or electric players with plectrums as on page 4 he highlights the use of the LH thumb to play parts of chords etc, which as any classical player knows is alien to our technique. Putting that aside however the pieces are technically very useful, and are very different from each other and would definitely provide the reasonably accomplished player with a lot of useful left and right hand exercises, as well as being musically highly original, and so this book is going to be worth investing in!

Chris Dumigan

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