Plamen Petrov
Bergmann Edition: 88 pages
This is a huge ring – bound edition of 16 substantial pieces that fall under the ‘jazzy’ heading but that also includes Sambas, and Bossas, as well as pieces written in quavers , but instructed to be played as a triplet, in the swing style. That however is only the tip of the iceberg because the vast majority of these pieces are written in straight rhythms, full , however of lots of off – beats rhythms and unusual juxtapositions of chords both common, and not – so – common, and moreover are all substantial in length, and will task even the best of readers, and players. I consider myself a really good sight reader, and can read the hardest of pieces usually without too many problems, but every one of these pieces literally stopped me in my tracks several times. Don’t take this as a criticism, because it most certainly isn’t but if any player of intermediate standard or less considers buying this huge book, then let me say that you will definitely struggle. Even some of the chord progressions are completely original. Just take the opening piece It Was Long Ago, as an example. The first 20 or so bars have this chord sequence, Am, Bb, Gm, Fm, DbMaj7, Gb, BbMaj7, E7, Am, E, C, G, Cm7, Fm7and D., which I think you’ll agree is definitely not a common sequence. Apart from that,the music is constantly on the move, frequently in higher positions, (all carefully fingered of course), and never landing under your hands, exactly where you expect them to go. However once you have had several goes at each of the pieces , it does all start to make sense, and if nothing else these pieces will definitely keep you on your toes, and help to improve your technique, as well as fire your imagination.
Each one of these pieces could be a recital work as they are all several pages in length, and definitely worth playing, should you have a good enough technique, and if you like your music tonal, but imaginative and constantly travelling musically where you don’t expect, and if that sounds like something you could find really interesting, then this book could provide months if not years of playing for you.
Chris Dumigan