Nicolo Paganini adapted by Laif Moller Lauridsen
Bergmann Edition: score and separate parts (9, 1, and 1 respectively)
The work comes with an original manuscript copy in Paganini’s hand which is interesting to see, but then when you start playing the piece, as I did with my duet partner, what immediately struck us both was that we knew this melody from somewhere else, because we certainly did not know it as Rondo by Paganini. It has one of those melodies that must have been used in TV or Radio in some aspect, and I can guarantee that when you play it, you will definitely know the melody!
It is an Andante in D Major, written mostly in quavers, semi – quavers, and several runs of demi – semi – quavers in the first part, at a speed of 80 crotchets a minute. This makes it slightly tricky in a few places because the almost constant runs of small notes do make this harder than it might first appear. The first guitar plays the melody throughout while the second guitar part is purely the accompaniment. At only 40 bars total in length it is a short, but fun piece that if played at a concert would, as we did. Have the audience trying to work out where they knew the melody from! And I still have no idea!
Definitely this piece is worth your time, effort and money.
Chris Dumigan