Ian Gammie
Corda Music Publications: 3 pages
Written this year (2021) and trying to banish Covid woes, he came upon this piece which in his own words is whimsical , and I found myself , that, as he states in the Preface, keeping the piece almost free in rhythm and definitely not too rigid in the beat , adds to it considerably .Ostensibly in the key of D Major, in the first section , but in fact moving around quite considerably the three voices involved take the player all over the fingerboard, whilst remaining harmonically diverse and interesting. The next section moves to the relative minor for an espressivo melody before returning to the opening idea which has some new thoughts this time. Then a Poco Piu Animato section in G enters with all the three voices still interweaving amongst each other, before a D.S al Fine takes us back for the first 20 bars and then to the final coda.
This is a small but eventful little piece that again is far from easy, and in which great care is needed to really bring out the ‘genteel’ feeling successfully, but that aside, it is another very worthy piece that has its own harmonic identity and never has the standard bass – two chords feel that nearly every waltz you will ever have played will have had. This avoids it completely and is all the better for it! Lovely piece!
Chris Dumigan