Claudio Camisassa
Les Productions D’Oz: Score and separate parts (10, 2, 2, 2, and 2 pages respectively)
This is a light – hearted piece from Argentinean – born Camisassa, sub- titled a Boogie – Woogie and written ( as is so often the case) in straight quavers with the instruction to play them swung as if they were a triplet where only the first and third of the notes is played.
This is a relatively short piece of only 108 bars and where the huge majority of the writing is single – noted, except for a short amount of three – note chords on guitar 3 in the first 24 bars, and a bass / chord alternation on guitar 2 for 12 bars later on in the piece.
At 168 crotchets a minute is moves at quite a pace, but the writing itself is not very difficult and lots of fun to play, should you have a quartet to play it. It is in the key of E Major throughout so everything fits very nicely onto the guitars.
This is a fun piece that most players will enjoy trying out, and indeed most audiences will love hearing!
Chris Dumigan