Celil Refik Kaya:Prelude and Dance : DOz
Renaud Cote- Giguere:Arabesque : DOz
Dimitar Ivanov:The Broken Balkan Polyrhythmic Etude : DOz
Daniel Ahlert:Notturno & Requiem : DOz
Claudio Camisassa:Sur Mesure : DOz
Gianluca Fortino:4 Little Pieces : DOz
Benoit Albert:Etudes Volume 1: DOz
Guy- Jean Maggio :Caracas Valse : DOz
Carlo Francesco Defranceschi:Tres Miniaturas: DOz
Bart Aerts:Idylle : DOz
Escales Musicales :12 Traditional pieces arr. Laurent Meneret: DOz
Carlos Gardel :Tangos for Cinema (1931 - 1935) Arranged by Jorge Omar Kohan : Ut Orpheus
John W. Duarte : A Celebration of his music for guitar : Universal
Two works by Kenny Hill : Hill Guitar Company Inc
Rupert Boyd : CD: The Guitar
Michael Butten : Dowland : CD
Marco Pereira : Brazilian Guitar Music: CD
Patrick Roux : Les Scenes Panoramiques :CD : DOz
Twelve Folk Melodies:Lutoslawski arranged by Ray Burley:PWM Edition
The Presti - Lagoya Collection Volume 9 :Works by Beethoven edited by Frederic Zigante : Berben