Anatoli Grindenko (Viola da Gamba) and Alexander Suetin (Baroque Lute) : CD

Kazuhito Yamashita & Larry Coryell : Antonio Vivaldi – The Four Seasons : CD

Marco Socias : Joaquin Rodrigo : Elogio de la Guitarra : CD

Angel and Celedonio Romero : Granados : 12 Danzas Espanolas : CD

Ernesto Bitetti : Gaspar Sanz : Integral "Instrucción De Música Sobre La Guitarra Española" CD

Aleksandr Loginov : Quiet Music : a selection of works by A.J Williams : CD

Pablo Menendez : Esencia : CD

Gunar Ulrich : A Handful of Small Guitar Pieces :Bergmann

Emil Tcheparov : Dimensionen : Das Leben in 11 Kompositionen : Bergmann

Tan Tuan Hao : Through The Fences, The Light Falls :Bergmann

Osten Mikal Ore : Portrait : Bergmann

Richard Alexander Vaughan : Chinese Suite for solo guitar :Bergmann

Gaetano Troccoli : Bon Voyage (Collezione di facili brani):Bergmann

Leonardo Vinci :arr. Edoardo Catemario : So Le Sorbe E Le Nespole Amare (XVIII sec.) :Bergmann

Kirill Voljanin : The Fate of the Musician for solo guitar :Bergmann

Eddie Healy : Quartet for 4 guitars : DOz

Eddie Healy : Ephemera for 3 guitars : DOz

Eddie Healy : Imminent Loss for four guitars : DOz

Eddie Healy : Five Miniatures for the play ‘Two To Waken Him’ for solo guitar : DOz

Eddie Healy : The Path to Truth for 3 guitars : DOz