Bryan Johanson: Sonatine - Cahier : DOz
Lilith Guegamian :Parfums D'Armenie : DOz
Fabrice Pierrat :Lever Du Jour A Paramana : DOz
Jean – Marie Raymonde :Ma Fille: DOz
Sergio Assad :Suite Brasileira No4 : Doberman - Yppan
Nick Fletcher :Crossing The Rubicon : DOz
Three Lute Recordings :CD:Martin Shepherd:Ronn McFarlane: and Alex McCartney
Callum Henshaw :CD:Forest of Dreams
Steve Marsh :The Anthology of Classical Guitar Techniques : Mel Bay
Izhar Elias, (Baroque Guitar): CD:Corbetta - La Guitarre Royalle
Anthology of Spanish Renaissance Music for Guitar:Arranged by Paolo Cherici : Ut Orpheus
Paolo Rosini :Trittico : DOz
O’Carolan Arr. Guido Boger : Favorites for Classical Guitar : Mel Bay
Nicolas Guay:Tarentelle : Editions Soldano
David Gaudreau:Valsa- Choro : DOz
Two works from Celil Refik Kaya :DOz
Nicolas Guay:Paradise Borders :CD
Ramon Andrade:CD:Retratos de Colima, the music of Simone Iannarelli
Rossini Hayward :Pieces of Mind :CD
Serge Di Mosole Compositions : CD